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Take action


Here are actions you can take right now to support Amazon workers and get involved in the labor movement:

  1. If you can’t be in a union, support local unions when they go on strike and donate or volunteer your time to organizations that support workers like the Amazon Labor Union, Emergency Workplace Organizing Committee,  or a worker center near you.

  2. If you could be in a union, organize your workplace. Reach out to a local union, or contact the AFL-CIO or EWOC. Host a screening of UNION to build solidarity with your coworkers and prepare for the work ahead.

  3. If you are in a union, host a screening of UNION to connect with your fellow union members, recruit new members, fundraise for organizing efforts and build your base of public support.

  4. If you are an Amazon worker looking to join a union, learn more here.


UNION is proud to partner with a number of organizations working at the frontlines of the global labor movement. Learn more about their efforts below: